Source code for psd_tools.psd.image_resources

Image resources section structure. Image resources are used to store non-pixel
data associated with images, such as pen tool paths or slices.

See :py:class:`~psd_tools.constants.Resource` to check available
resource names.


    from psd_tools.constants import Resource

    version_info = psd.image_resources.get_data(Resource.VERSION_INFO)

The following resources are plain bytes::

    Resource.OBSOLETE1: 1000
    Resource.MAC_PRINT_MANAGER_INFO: 1001
    Resource.MAC_PAGE_FORMAT_INFO: 1002
    Resource.OBSOLETE2: 1003
    Resource.DISPLAY_INFO_OBSOLETE: 1007
    Resource.BORDER_INFO: 1009
    Resource.DUOTONE_IMAGE_INFO: 1018
    Resource.EFFECTIVE_BW: 1019
    Resource.OBSOLETE3: 1020
    Resource.EPS_OPTIONS: 1021
    Resource.QUICK_MASK_INFO: 1022
    Resource.OBSOLETE4: 1023
    Resource.WORKING_PATH: 1025
    Resource.OBSOLETE5: 1027
    Resource.IPTC_NAA: 1028
    Resource.IMAGE_MODE_RAW: 1029
    Resource.JPEG_QUALITY: 1030
    Resource.URL: 1035
    Resource.ICC_PROFILE: 1039
    Resource.SPOT_HALFTONE: 1043
    Resource.JUMP_TO_XPEP: 1052
    Resource.EXIF_DATA_1: 1058
    Resource.EXIF_DATA_3: 1059
    Resource.XMP_METADATA: 1060
    Resource.CAPTION_DIGEST: 1061
    Resource.ALTERNATE_SPOT_COLORS: 1067
    Resource.HDR_TONING_INFO: 1070
    Resource.PRINT_INFO_CS2: 1071
    Resource.DISPLAY_INFO: 1077
    Resource.MAC_NSPRINTINFO: 1084
    Resource.WINDOWS_DEVMODE: 1085
    Resource.PATH_INFO_N: 2000-2999
    Resource.PLUGIN_RESOURCES_N: 4000-4999
    Resource.IMAGE_READY_VARIABLES: 7000
    Resource.IMAGE_READY_DATA_SETS: 7001
    Resource.IMAGE_READY_VERSION: 7006
    Resource.LIGHTROOM_WORKFLOW: 8000
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import io
import logging

import attr

from psd_tools.constants import PrintScaleStyle, Resource
from psd_tools.psd.base import (
from psd_tools.psd.color import Color
from psd_tools.psd.descriptor import DescriptorBlock
from psd_tools.utils import (
from psd_tools.validators import in_
from psd_tools.version import __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TYPES, register = new_registry()

        Resource.BACKGROUND_COLOR: Color,
        Resource.LAYER_COMPS: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.MEASUREMENT_SCALE: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.SHEET_DISCLOSURE: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.TIMELINE_INFO: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.ONION_SKINS: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.COUNT_INFO: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.PRINT_INFO_CS5: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.PRINT_STYLE: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.PATH_SELECTION_STATE: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.ORIGIN_PATH_INFO: DescriptorBlock,
        Resource.AUTO_SAVE_FILE_PATH: StringElement,
        Resource.AUTO_SAVE_FORMAT: StringElement,
        Resource.WORKFLOW_URL: StringElement,

[docs] @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class ImageResources(DictElement): """ Image resources section of the PSD file. Dict of :py:class:`.ImageResource`. """
[docs] def get_data(self, key, default=None): """ Get data from the image resources. Shortcut for the following:: if key in image_resources: value = tagged_blocks[key].data """ if key in self: value = self[key].data if isinstance(value, ValueElement): return value.value else: return value return default
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, **kwargs): """ Create a new default image resouces. :return: ImageResources """ return cls( [ ( Resource.VERSION_INFO, ImageResource( key=Resource.VERSION_INFO, data=VersionInfo( has_composite=True, writer="psd-tools %s" % __version__, reader="psd-tools %s" % __version__, ), ), ), ] )
@classmethod def read(cls, fp, encoding="macroman"): data = read_length_block(fp) logger.debug("reading image resources, len=%d" % (len(data))) with io.BytesIO(data) as f: return cls._read_body(f, encoding=encoding) @classmethod def _read_body(cls, fp, *args, **kwargs): items = [] while is_readable(fp, 4): item =, *args, **kwargs) items.append((item.key, item)) return cls(items) def write(self, fp, encoding="macroman"): def writer(f): written = sum(self[key].write(f, encoding) for key in self) logger.debug("writing image resources, len=%d" % (written)) return written return write_length_block(fp, writer) @classmethod def _key_converter(self, key): return getattr(key, "value", key) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): if cycle: return "{{...}" with, "{", "}"): p.breakable("") for idx, key in enumerate(self._items): if idx: p.text(",") p.breakable() value = self._items[key] try: p.text(Resource(key).name) except ValueError: p.pretty(key) p.text(": ") if isinstance(, bytes): p.text(trimmed_repr( else: p.pretty( p.breakable("")
[docs] @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class ImageResource(BaseElement): """ Image resource block. .. py:attribute:: signature Binary signature, always ``b'8BIM'``. .. py:attribute:: key Unique identifier for the resource. See :py:class:`~psd_tools.constants.Resource`. .. py:attribute:: name .. py:attribute:: data The resource data. """ signature = attr.ib( default=b"8BIM", type=bytes, repr=False, validator=in_({b"8BIM", b"MeSa", b"AgHg", b"PHUT", b"DCSR"}), ) key = attr.ib(default=1000, type=int) name = attr.ib(default="", type=str) data = attr.ib(default=b"", type=bytes, repr=False) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, encoding="macroman"): signature, key = read_fmt("4sH", fp) try: key = Resource(key) except ValueError: if Resource.is_path_info(key): logger.debug("Undefined PATH_INFO found: %d" % (key)) elif Resource.is_plugin_resource(key): logger.debug("Undefined PLUGIN_RESOURCE found: %d" % (key)) else: logger.warning("Unknown image resource %d" % (key)) name = read_pascal_string(fp, encoding, padding=2) raw_data = read_length_block(fp, padding=2) if key in TYPES: data = TYPES[key].frombytes(raw_data) # try: # _raw_data = data.tobytes(padding=1) # assert _raw_data == raw_data, '%r vs %r' % ( # _raw_data, raw_data # ) # except AssertionError as e: # logger.error(e) # raise else: data = raw_data return cls(signature, key, name, data) def write(self, fp, encoding="macroman"): written = write_fmt( fp, "4sH", self.signature, getattr(self.key, "value", self.key) ) written += write_pascal_string(fp,, encoding, 2) def writer(f): if hasattr(, "write"): return, padding=1) return write_bytes(f, written += write_length_block(fp, writer, padding=2) return written
[docs] @register(Resource.ALPHA_IDENTIFIERS) class AlphaIdentifiers(ListElement): """ List of alpha identifiers. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): items = [] while is_readable(fp, 4): items.append(read_fmt("I", fp)[0]) return cls(items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return sum(write_fmt(fp, "I", item) for item in self)
[docs] @register(Resource.ALPHA_NAMES_PASCAL) class AlphaNamesPascal(ListElement): """ List of alpha names. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): items = [] while is_readable(fp): items.append(read_pascal_string(fp, "macroman", padding=1)) return cls(items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return sum(write_pascal_string(fp, item, padding=1) for item in self)
[docs] @register(Resource.ALPHA_NAMES_UNICODE) class AlphaNamesUnicode(ListElement): """ List of alpha names. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): items = [] while is_readable(fp): items.append(read_unicode_string(fp)) return cls(items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return sum(write_unicode_string(fp, item) for item in self)
[docs] @register(Resource.ICC_UNTAGGED_PROFILE) @register(Resource.COPYRIGHT_FLAG) @register(Resource.EFFECTS_VISIBLE) @register(Resource.WATERMARK) class Byte(ByteElement): """ Byte element. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): return cls(*read_fmt("B", fp)) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return write_fmt(fp, "B", self.value)
[docs] @register(Resource.GRID_AND_GUIDES_INFO) @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class GridGuidesInfo(BaseElement): """ Grid and guides info structure. .. py:attribute: version """ version = attr.ib(default=1, type=int) horizontal = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) vertical = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) data = attr.ib(factory=list, converter=list) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): version, horizontal, vertical, count = read_fmt("4I", fp) items = [] for _ in range(count): items.append(read_fmt("IB", fp)) return cls(version, horizontal, vertical, items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt( fp, "4I", self.version, self.horizontal, self.vertical, len( ) written += sum(write_fmt(fp, "IB", *item) for item in return written
[docs] @register(Resource.COLOR_HALFTONING_INFO) @register(Resource.DUOTONE_HALFTONING_INFO) @register(Resource.GRAYSCALE_HALFTONING_INFO) class HalftoneScreens(ListElement): """ Halftone screens. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): items = [] while is_readable(fp, 18): items.append( return cls(items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return sum(item.write(fp) for item in self)
[docs] @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class HalftoneScreen(BaseElement): """ Halftone screen. .. py:attribute:: freq .. py:attribute:: unit .. py:attribute:: angle .. py:attribute:: shape .. py:attribute:: use_accurate .. py:attribute:: use_printer """ freq = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) unit = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) angle = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) shape = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) use_accurate = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) use_printer = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): freq = float(read_fmt("I", fp)[0]) / 0x10000 unit = read_fmt("H", fp)[0] angle = float(read_fmt("i", fp)[0]) / 0x10000 shape, use_accurate, use_printer = read_fmt("H4x2?", fp) return cls(freq, unit, angle, shape, use_accurate, use_printer) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt(fp, "I", int(self.freq * 0x10000)) written += write_fmt(fp, "H", self.unit) written += write_fmt(fp, "i", int(self.angle * 0x10000)) written += write_fmt( fp, "H4x2?", self.shape, self.use_accurate, self.use_printer ) return written
[docs] @register(Resource.GLOBAL_ALTITUDE) @register(Resource.GLOBAL_ANGLE) @register(Resource.IDS_SEED_NUMBER) class Integer(IntegerElement): """ Integer element. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): return cls(*read_fmt("i", fp)) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return write_fmt(fp, "i", self.value)
[docs] @register(Resource.LAYER_GROUPS_ENABLED_ID) class LayerGroupEnabledIDs(ListElement): """ Layer group enabled ids. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): items = [] while is_readable(fp, 1): items.append(read_fmt("B", fp)[0]) return cls(items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return sum(write_fmt(fp, "B", item) for item in self)
[docs] @register(Resource.LAYER_GROUP_INFO) class LayerGroupInfo(ListElement): """ Layer group info list. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): items = [] while is_readable(fp, 2): items.append(read_fmt("H", fp)[0]) return cls(items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return sum(write_fmt(fp, "H", item) for item in self)
[docs] @register(Resource.LAYER_SELECTION_IDS) class LayerSelectionIDs(ListElement): """ Layer selection ids. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): count = read_fmt("H", fp)[0] return cls(read_fmt("I", fp)[0] for _ in range(count)) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt(fp, "H", len(self)) written += sum(write_fmt(fp, "I", item) for item in self) return written
[docs] @register(Resource.INDEXED_COLOR_TABLE_COUNT) @register(Resource.LAYER_STATE_INFO) @register(Resource.TRANSPARENCY_INDEX) class ShortInteger(ShortIntegerElement): """ Short integer element. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): return cls(*read_fmt("H", fp)) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return write_fmt(fp, "H", self.value)
[docs] @register(Resource.CAPTION_PASCAL) @register(Resource.CLIPPING_PATH_NAME) class PascalString(ValueElement): """ Pascal string element. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): return cls(read_pascal_string(fp, "macroman")) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return write_pascal_string(fp, self.value, "macroman", padding=1)
[docs] @register(Resource.PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO) @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class PixelAspectRatio(NumericElement): """ Pixel aspect ratio. .. py:attribute: version """ version = attr.ib(default=1, type=int) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): version, value = read_fmt("Id", fp) return cls(version=version, value=value) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return write_fmt(fp, "Id", self.version, self.value)
[docs] @register(Resource.PRINT_FLAGS) @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class PrintFlags(BaseElement): """ Print flags. .. py:attribute: labels .. py:attribute: crop_marks .. py:attribute: colorbars .. py:attribute: registration_marks .. py:attribute: negative .. py:attribute: flip .. py:attribute: interpolate .. py:attribute: caption .. py:attribute: print_flags """ labels = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) crop_marks = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) colorbars = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) registration_marks = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) negative = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) flip = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) interpolate = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) caption = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) print_flags = attr.ib(default=None) # Not existing for old versions. @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): values = read_fmt("8?", fp) if is_readable(fp): values += read_fmt("?", fp) return cls(*values) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): values = attr.astuple(self) if self.print_flags is None: values = values[:-1] return write_fmt(fp, "%d?" % len(values), *values)
[docs] @register(Resource.PRINT_FLAGS_INFO) @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class PrintFlagsInfo(BaseElement): """ Print flags info structure. .. py:attribute:: version .. py:attribute:: center_crop .. py:attribute:: bleed_width_value .. py:attribute:: bleed_width_scale """ version = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) center_crop = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) bleed_width_value = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) bleed_width_scale = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): return cls(*read_fmt("HBxIH", fp)) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return write_fmt(fp, "HBxIH", *attr.astuple(self))
[docs] @register(Resource.PRINT_SCALE) @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class PrintScale(BaseElement): """ Print scale structure. .. py:attribute:: style .. py:attribute:: x .. py:attribute:: y .. py:attribute:: scale """ style = attr.ib( default=PrintScaleStyle.CENTERED, converter=PrintScaleStyle, validator=in_(PrintScaleStyle), ) x = attr.ib(default=0.0, type=float) y = attr.ib(default=0.0, type=float) scale = attr.ib(default=0.0, type=float) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): return cls(*read_fmt("H3f", fp)) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return write_fmt(fp, "H3f",, self.x, self.y, self.scale)
[docs] @register(Resource.RESOLUTION_INFO) @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class ResoulutionInfo(BaseElement): """ Resoulution info structure. .. py:attribute:: horizontal .. py:attribute:: horizontal_unit .. py:attribute:: width_unit .. py:attribute:: vertical .. py:attribute:: vertical_unit .. py:attribute:: height_unit """ horizontal = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) horizontal_unit = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) width_unit = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) vertical = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) vertical_unit = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) height_unit = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): return cls(*read_fmt("I2HI2H", fp)) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return write_fmt(fp, "I2HI2H", *attr.astuple(self))
[docs] @register(Resource.SLICES) @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class Slices(BaseElement): """ Slices resource. .. py:attribute:: version .. py:attribute:: data """ version = attr.ib(default=0, type=int, validator=in_((6, 7, 8))) data = attr.ib(default=None) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): version = read_fmt("I", fp)[0] assert version in (6, 7, 8), "Invalid version %d" % (version) if version == 6: return cls(version=version, return cls(version=version, def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt(fp, "I", self.version) written +=, padding=1) return written
[docs] @attr.s(repr=False, slots=True) class SlicesV6(BaseElement): """ Slices resource version 6. .. py:attribute:: bbox .. py:attribute:: name .. py:attribute:: items """ bbox = attr.ib(factory=lambda: [0, 0, 0, 0], converter=list) name = attr.ib(default="", type=str) items = attr.ib(factory=list, converter=list) @classmethod def read(cls, fp): bbox = read_fmt("4I", fp) name = read_unicode_string(fp) count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0] items = [ for _ in range(count)] return cls(bbox, name, items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt(fp, "4I", *self.bbox) written += write_unicode_string(fp, written += write_fmt(fp, "I", len(self.items)) written += sum(item.write(fp) for item in self.items) return written
[docs] @attr.s(repr=False) class SliceV6(BaseElement): """ Slice element for version 6. .. py:attribute:: slice_id .. py:attribute:: group_id .. py:attribute:: origin .. py:attribute:: associated_id .. py:attribute:: name .. py:attribute:: slice_type .. py:attribute:: bbox .. py:attribute:: url .. py:attribute:: target .. py:attribute:: message .. py:attribute:: alt_tag .. py:attribute:: cell_is_html .. py:attribute:: cell_text .. py:attribute:: horizontal .. py:attribute:: vertical .. py:attribute:: alpha .. py:attribute:: red .. py:attribute:: green .. py:attribute:: blue .. py:attribute:: data """ slice_id = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) group_id = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) origin = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) associated_id = attr.ib(default=None) name = attr.ib(default="", type=str) slice_type = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) bbox = attr.ib(factory=lambda: [0, 0, 0, 0], converter=list) url = attr.ib(default="", type=str) target = attr.ib(default="", type=str) message = attr.ib(default="", type=str) alt_tag = attr.ib(default="", type=str) cell_is_html = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) cell_text = attr.ib(default="", type=str) horizontal_align = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) vertical_align = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) alpha = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) red = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) green = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) blue = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) data = attr.ib(default=None) @classmethod def read(cls, fp): slice_id, group_id, origin = read_fmt("3I", fp) associated_id = read_fmt("I", fp)[0] if origin == 1 else None name = read_unicode_string(fp) slice_type = read_fmt("I", fp)[0] bbox = read_fmt("4I", fp) url = read_unicode_string(fp) target = read_unicode_string(fp) message = read_unicode_string(fp) alt_tag = read_unicode_string(fp) cell_is_html = read_fmt("?", fp)[0] cell_text = read_unicode_string(fp) horizontal_align, vertical_align = read_fmt("2I", fp) alpha, red, green, blue = read_fmt("4B", fp) data = None if is_readable(fp, 4): # There is no easy distinction between descriptor block and # next slice v6 item here... current_position = fp.tell() version = read_fmt("I", fp)[0], 1) if version == 16: try: data = if data.classID == b"\x00\x00\x00\x00": data = None raise ValueError(data) except ValueError: logger.debug("Failed to read DescriptorBlock") return cls( slice_id, group_id, origin, associated_id, name, slice_type, bbox, url, target, message, alt_tag, cell_is_html, cell_text, horizontal_align, vertical_align, alpha, red, green, blue, data, ) def write(self, fp): written = write_fmt(fp, "3I", self.slice_id, self.group_id, self.origin) if self.origin == 1 and self.associated_id is not None: written += write_fmt(fp, "I", self.associated_id) written += write_unicode_string(fp,, padding=1) written += write_fmt(fp, "I", self.slice_type) written += write_fmt(fp, "4I", *self.bbox) written += write_unicode_string(fp, self.url, padding=1) written += write_unicode_string(fp,, padding=1) written += write_unicode_string(fp, self.message, padding=1) written += write_unicode_string(fp, self.alt_tag, padding=1) written += write_fmt(fp, "?", self.cell_is_html) written += write_unicode_string(fp, self.cell_text, padding=1) written += write_fmt(fp, "2I", self.horizontal_align, self.vertical_align) written += write_fmt(fp, "4B", self.alpha,,, if is not None: if hasattr(, "write"): written +=, padding=1) elif written += write_bytes(fp, return written
[docs] @register(Resource.THUMBNAIL_RESOURCE) @attr.s(repr=False) class ThumbnailResource(BaseElement): """ Thumbnail resource structure. .. py:attribute:: fmt .. py:attribute:: width .. py:attribute:: height .. py:attribute:: row .. py:attribute:: total_size .. py:attribute:: size .. py:attribute:: bits .. py:attribute:: planes .. py:attribute:: data """ _RAW_MODE = "RGB" fmt = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) width = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) height = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) row = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) total_size = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) bits = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) planes = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) data = attr.ib(default=b"", type=bytes) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): fmt, width, height, row, total_size, size, bits, planes = read_fmt("6I2H", fp) data = return cls(fmt, width, height, row, total_size, bits, planes, data) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt( fp, "6I2H", self.fmt, self.width, self.height, self.row, self.total_size, len(, self.bits, self.planes, ) written += write_bytes(fp, return written
[docs] def topil(self): """ Get PIL Image. :return: PIL Image object. """ from PIL import Image if self.fmt == 1: with io.BytesIO( as f: image = image.load() else: image = Image.frombytes( "RGB", (self.width, self.height),, "raw", self._RAW_MODE, self.row, ) return image
[docs] @register(Resource.THUMBNAIL_RESOURCE_PS4) class ThumbnailResourceV4(ThumbnailResource): _RAW_MODE = "BGR"
[docs] @register(Resource.COLOR_TRANSFER_FUNCTION) @register(Resource.DUOTONE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION) @register(Resource.GRAYSCALE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION) class TransferFunctions(ListElement): """ Transfer functions. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): items = [] while is_readable(fp, 28): items.append( return cls(items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): return sum(item.write(fp) for item in self)
[docs] @attr.s(repr=False) class TransferFunction(BaseElement): """ Transfer function """ curve = attr.ib(factory=list, converter=list) override = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): curve = read_fmt("13H", fp) override = read_fmt("H", fp)[0] return cls(curve, override) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt(fp, "13H", *self.curve) written += write_fmt(fp, "H", self.override) return written
[docs] @register(Resource.URL_LIST) class URLList(ListElement): """ URL list structure. """ @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0] items = [] for _ in range(count): items.append( return cls(items) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt(fp, "I", len(self)) written += sum(item.write(fp) for item in self) return written
[docs] @attr.s(repr=False) class URLItem(BaseElement): """ URL item. .. py:attribute:: number .. py:attribute:: id .. py:attribute:: name """ number = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) id = attr.ib(default=0, type=int) name = attr.ib(default="", type=str) @classmethod def read(cls, fp): number, id = read_fmt("2I", fp) name = read_unicode_string(fp) return cls(number, id, name) def write(self, fp): written = write_fmt(fp, "2I", self.number, written += write_unicode_string(fp, return written
[docs] @register(Resource.VERSION_INFO) @attr.s(repr=False) class VersionInfo(BaseElement): """ Version info structure. .. py:attribute:: version .. py:attribute:: has_composite .. py:attribute:: writer .. py:attribute:: reader .. py:attribute:: file_version """ version = attr.ib(default=1, type=int) has_composite = attr.ib(default=False, type=bool) writer = attr.ib(default="", type=str) reader = attr.ib(default="", type=str) file_version = attr.ib(default=1, type=int) @classmethod def read(cls, fp, **kwargs): version, has_composite = read_fmt("I?", fp) writer = read_unicode_string(fp) reader = read_unicode_string(fp) file_version = read_fmt("I", fp)[0] return cls(version, has_composite, writer, reader, file_version) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): written = write_fmt(fp, "I?", self.version, self.has_composite) written += write_unicode_string(fp, self.writer) written += write_unicode_string(fp, self.reader) written += write_fmt(fp, "I", self.file_version) return written