
Constants for descriptor.

This file is automaticaly generated by tools/


class psd_tools.terminology.Klass(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Klass definitions extracted from PITerminology.h.


Action = b'Actn'
ActionSet = b'ASet'
Adjustment = b'Adjs'
AdjustmentLayer = b'AdjL'
AirbrushTool = b'AbTl'
AlphaChannelOptions = b'AChl'
AntiAliasedPICTAcquire = b'AntA'
Application = b'capp'
Arrowhead = b'cArw'
ArtHistoryBrushTool = b'ABTl'
Assert = b'Asrt'
AssumedProfile = b'AssP'
BMPFormat = b'BMPF'
BackLight = b'BakL'
BackgroundEraserTool = b'SETl'
BackgroundLayer = b'BckL'
BevelEmboss = b'ebbl'
BitmapMode = b'BtmM'
BlendRange = b'Blnd'
BlurTool = b'BlTl'
BookColor = b'BkCl'
BrightnessContrast = b'BrgC'
Brush = b'Brsh'
BurnInTool = b'BrTl'
CMYKColor = b'CMYC'
CMYKColorMode = b'CMYM'
CMYKSetup = b'CMYS'
CachePrefs = b'CchP'
Calculation = b'Clcl'
Channel = b'Chnl'
ChannelMatrix = b'ChMx'
ChannelMixer = b'ChnM'
ChromeFX = b'ChFX'
CineonFormat = b'SDPX'
ClippingInfo = b'Clpo'
ClippingPath = b'ClpP'
CloneStampTool = b'ClTl'
Color = b'Clr '
ColorBalance = b'ClrB'
ColorCast = b'ColC'
ColorCorrection = b'ClrC'
ColorPickerPrefs = b'Clrk'
ColorSampler = b'ClSm'
ColorStop = b'Clrt'
Command = b'Cmnd'
Contour = b'FxSc'
CurvePoint = b'CrPt'
Curves = b'Crvs'
CurvesAdjustment = b'CrvA'
CustomPalette = b'Cstl'
CustomPhosphors = b'CstP'
CustomWhitePoint = b'CstW'
DicomFormat = b'Dicm'
DisplayPrefs = b'DspP'
Document = b'Dcmn'
DodgeTool = b'DdTl'
DropShadow = b'DrSh'
DuotoneInk = b'DtnI'
DuotoneMode = b'DtnM'
EPSGenericFormat = b'EPSG'
EPSPICTPreview = b'EPSC'
EPSTIFFPreview = b'EPST'
EXRf = b'EXRf'
Element = b'Elmn'
Ellipse = b'Elps'
EraserTool = b'ErTl'
Export = b'Expr'
FileInfo = b'FlIn'
FileSavePrefs = b'FlSv'
FillFlash = b'FilF'
FlashPixFormat = b'FlsP'
FontDesignAxes = b'FntD'
Format = b'Fmt '
FrameFX = b'FrFX'
GIF89aExport = b'GF89'
GIFFormat = b'GFFr'
GeneralPrefs = b'GnrP'
GlobalAngle = b'gblA'
Gradient = b'Grdn'
GradientFill = b'Grdf'
GradientMap = b'GdMp'
GradientTool = b'GrTl'
GraySetup = b'GrSt'
Grayscale = b'Grsc'
GrayscaleMode = b'Grys'
Guide = b'Gd  '
GuidesPrefs = b'GdPr'
HSBColor = b'HSBC'
HSBColorMode = b'HSBM'
HalftoneScreen = b'HlfS'
HalftoneSpec = b'Hlfp'
HistoryBrushTool = b'HBTl'
HistoryPrefs = b'CHsP'
HistoryState = b'HstS'
HueSatAdjustment = b'HStA'
HueSatAdjustmentV2 = b'Hst2'
HueSaturation = b'HStr'
IFFFormat = b'IFFF'
IllustratorPathsExport = b'IlsP'
ImagePoint = b'ImgP'
Import = b'Impr'
IndexedColorMode = b'IndC'
InkTransfer = b'InkT'
InnerGlow = b'IrGl'
InnerShadow = b'IrSh'
InterfaceColor = b'IClr'
Invert = b'Invr'
JPEGFormat = b'JPEG'
LabColor = b'LbCl'
LabColorMode = b'LbCM'
Layer = b'Lyr '
LayerEffects = b'Lefx'
LayerFXVisible = b'lfxv'
Levels = b'Lvls'
LevelsAdjustment = b'LvlA'
LightSource = b'LghS'
Line = b'Ln  '
MacPaintFormat = b'McPn'
MagicEraserTool = b'MgEr'
MagicPoint = b'Mgcp'
Mask = b'Msk '
MenuItem = b'Mn  '
Mode = b'Md  '
MultichannelMode = b'MltC'
Null = b'null'
ObsoleteTextLayer = b'TxLy'
Offset = b'Ofst'
Opacity = b'Opac'
OuterGlow = b'OrGl'
PDFGenericFormat = b'PDFG'
PICTFileFormat = b'PICF'
PICTResourceFormat = b'PICR'
PNGFormat = b'PNGF'
PageSetup = b'PgSt'
PaintbrushTool = b'PbTl'
Path = b'Path'
PathComponent = b'PaCm'
PathPoint = b'Pthp'
Pattern = b'PttR'
PatternStampTool = b'PaTl'
PencilTool = b'PcTl'
Photoshop20Format = b'Pht2'
Photoshop35Format = b'Pht3'
PhotoshopDCS2Format = b'PhD2'
PhotoshopDCSFormat = b'PhD1'
PhotoshopEPSFormat = b'PhtE'
PhotoshopPDFFormat = b'PhtP'
Pixel = b'Pxel'
PixelPaintFormat = b'PxlP'
PluginPrefs = b'PlgP'
Point = b'Pnt '
Point16 = b'Pnt1'
Polygon = b'Plgn'
Posterize = b'Pstr'
Preferences = b'GnrP'
ProfileSetup = b'PrfS'
Property = b'Prpr'
RGBColor = b'RGBC'
RGBColorMode = b'RGBM'
RGBSetup = b'RGBt'
Range = b'Rang'
RawFormat = b'Rw  '
Rect16 = b'Rct1'
Rectangle = b'Rctn'
SaturationTool = b'SrTl'
ScitexCTFormat = b'Sctx'
Selection = b'csel'
SelectiveColor = b'SlcC'
ShapingCurve = b'ShpC'
SharpenTool = b'ShTl'
SingleColumn = b'Sngc'
SingleRow = b'Sngr'
SmudgeTool = b'SmTl'
Snapshot = b'SnpS'
SolidFill = b'SoFi'
SpotColorChannel = b'SCch'
Style = b'StyC'
SubPath = b'Sbpl'
TIFFFormat = b'TIFF'
TargaFormat = b'TrgF'
TextLayer = b'TxLr'
TextStyle = b'TxtS'
TextStyleRange = b'Txtt'
Threshold = b'Thrs'
Tool = b'Tool'
TransferPoint = b'DtnP'
TransferSpec = b'Trfp'
TransparencyPrefs = b'TrnP'
TransparencyStop = b'TrnS'
UnitsPrefs = b'UntP'
UnspecifiedColor = b'UnsC'
Version = b'Vrsn'
WebdavPrefs = b'Wdbv'
XYYColor = b'XYYC'


class psd_tools.terminology.Enum(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Enum definitions extracted from PITerminology.h.


A = b'A   '
ADSBottoms = b'AdBt'
ADSCentersH = b'AdCH'
ADSCentersV = b'AdCV'
ADSHorizontal = b'AdHr'
ADSLefts = b'AdLf'
ADSRights = b'AdRg'
ADSTops = b'AdTp'
ADSVertical = b'AdVr'
AboutApp = b'AbAp'
AbsColorimetric = b'AClr'
Absolute = b'Absl'
ActualPixels = b'ActP'
Adaptive = b'Adpt'
Add = b'Add '
AdjustmentOptions = b'AdjO'
AdobeRGB1998 = b'SMPT'
AirbrushEraser = b'Arbs'
All = b'Al  '
Amiga = b'Amga'
AmountHigh = b'amHi'
AmountLow = b'amLo'
AmountMedium = b'amMd'
Angle = b'Angl'
AntiAliasCrisp = b'AnCr'
AntiAliasHigh = b'AnHi'
AntiAliasLow = b'AnLo'
AntiAliasMedium = b'AnMd'
AntiAliasNone = b'Anno'
AntiAliasSmooth = b'AnSm'
AntiAliasStrong = b'AnSt'
Any = b'Any '
AppleRGB = b'AppR'
ApplyImage = b'AplI'
AroundCenter = b'ArnC'
Arrange = b'Arng'
Ask = b'Ask '
AskWhenOpening = b'AskW'
B = b'B   '
Back = b'Back'
Background = b'Bckg'
BackgroundColor = b'BckC'
Backward = b'Bckw'
Behind = b'Bhnd'
Best = b'Bst '
Better = b'Dthb'
Bicubic = b'Bcbc'
Bilinear = b'Blnr'
Binary = b'Bnry'
BitDepth1 = b'BD1 '
BitDepth16 = b'BD16'
BitDepth24 = b'BD24'
BitDepth32 = b'BD32'
BitDepth4 = b'BD4 '
BitDepth8 = b'BD8 '
BitDepthA1R5G5B5 = b'1565'
BitDepthA4R4G4B4 = b'4444'
BitDepthR5G6B5 = b'x565'
BitDepthX4R4G4B4 = b'x444'
BitDepthX8R8G8B8 = b'x888'
Bitmap = b'Btmp'
Black = b'Blck'
BlackAndWhite = b'BanW'
BlackBody = b'BlcB'
Blacks = b'Blks'
Blast = b'Blst'
BlockEraser = b'Blk '
Blocks = b'Blks'
Blue = b'Bl  '
Blues = b'Bls '
Bottom = b'Bttm'
BrushDarkRough = b'BrDR'
BrushLightRough = b'BrsL'
BrushSimple = b'BrSm'
BrushSize = b'BrsS'
BrushSparkle = b'BrSp'
BrushWideBlurry = b'BrbW'
BrushWideSharp = b'BrsW'
BrushesAppend = b'BrsA'
BrushesDefine = b'BrsD'
BrushesDelete = b'Brsf'
BrushesLoad = b'Brsd'
BrushesNew = b'BrsN'
BrushesOptions = b'BrsO'
BrushesReset = b'BrsR'
BrushesSave = b'Brsv'
Builtin = b'Bltn'
BurnInH = b'BrnH'
BurnInM = b'BrnM'
BurnInS = b'BrnS'
ButtonMode = b'BtnM'
CMYK64 = b'CMSF'
CMYKColor = b'ECMY'
Calculations = b'Clcl'
Cascade = b'Cscd'
Center = b'Cntr'
CenterGlow = b'SrcC'
CenteredFrame = b'CtrF'
ChannelOptions = b'ChnO'
ChannelsPaletteOptions = b'ChnP'
CheckerboardLarge = b'ChcL'
CheckerboardMedium = b'ChcM'
CheckerboardNone = b'ChcN'
CheckerboardSmall = b'ChcS'
Clear = b'Clar'
ClearGuides = b'ClrG'
Clipboard = b'Clpb'
ClippingPath = b'ClpP'
CloseAll = b'ClsA'
CoarseDots = b'CrsD'
Color = b'Clr '
ColorBurn = b'CBrn'
ColorDodge = b'CDdg'
ColorMatch = b'ClMt'
ColorNoise = b'ClNs'
Colorimetric = b'Clrm'
Composite = b'Cmps'
ContourCustom = b'sp06'
ContourDouble = b'sp04'
ContourGaussian = b'sp02'
ContourLinear = b'sp01'
ContourSingle = b'sp03'
ContourTriple = b'sp05'
ConvertToCMYK = b'CnvC'
ConvertToGray = b'CnvG'
ConvertToLab = b'CnvL'
ConvertToRGB = b'CnvR'
CreateDuplicate = b'CrtD'
CreateInterpolation = b'CrtI'
Cross = b'Crs '
CurrentLayer = b'CrrL'
Custom = b'Cst '
CustomPattern = b'Cstm'
CustomStops = b'CstS'
Cyan = b'Cyn '
Cyans = b'Cyns'
Dark = b'Drk '
Darken = b'Drkn'
DarkenOnly = b'DrkO'
DashedLines = b'DshL'
Desaturate = b'Dstt'
Diamond = b'Dmnd'
Difference = b'Dfrn'
Diffusion = b'Dfsn'
DiffusionDither = b'DfnD'
DisplayCursorsPreferences = b'DspC'
Dissolve = b'Dslv'
Distort = b'Dstr'
DodgeH = b'DdgH'
DodgeM = b'DdgM'
DodgeS = b'DdgS'
Dots = b'Dts '
Draft = b'Drft'
Duotone = b'Dtn '
EdgeGlow = b'SrcE'
EliminateEvenFields = b'ElmE'
EliminateOddFields = b'ElmO'
Ellipse = b'Elps'
Emboss = b'Embs'
Exact = b'Exct'
Exclusion = b'Xclu'
FPXCompressLossyJPEG = b'FxJP'
FPXCompressNone = b'FxNo'
Faster = b'Dthf'
File = b'Fle '
FileInfo = b'FlIn'
FillBack = b'FlBc'
FillFore = b'FlFr'
FillInverse = b'FlIn'
FillSame = b'FlSm'
FineDots = b'FnDt'
First = b'Frst'
FirstIdle = b'FrId'
FitOnScreen = b'FtOn'
ForegroundColor = b'FrgC'
Forward = b'Frwr'
FreeTransform = b'FrTr'
Front = b'Frnt'
FullDocument = b'FllD'
FullSize = b'FlSz'
GIFColorFileColorTable = b'GFCT'
GIFColorFileColors = b'GFCF'
GIFColorFileMicrosoftPalette = b'GFMS'
GIFPaletteAdaptive = b'GFPA'
GIFPaletteExact = b'GFPE'
GIFPaletteOther = b'GFPO'
GIFPaletteSystem = b'GFPS'
GIFRequiredColorSpaceIndexed = b'GFCI'
GIFRequiredColorSpaceRGB = b'GFRG'
GIFRowOrderInterlaced = b'GFIN'
GIFRowOrderNormal = b'GFNI'
GaussianDistribution = b'Gsn '
GeneralPreferences = b'GnrP'
Good = b'Gd  '
GradientFill = b'GrFl'
GrainClumped = b'GrnC'
GrainContrasty = b'GrCn'
GrainEnlarged = b'GrnE'
GrainHorizontal = b'GrnH'
GrainRegular = b'GrnR'
GrainSoft = b'GrSf'
GrainSpeckle = b'GrSp'
GrainSprinkles = b'GrSr'
GrainStippled = b'GrSt'
GrainVertical = b'GrnV'
GrainyDots = b'GrnD'
Graphics = b'Grp '
Gray = b'Gry '
Gray16 = b'GryX'
Gray18 = b'Gr18'
Gray22 = b'Gr22'
Gray50 = b'Gr50'
GrayScale = b'Gryc'
Grayscale = b'Grys'
Green = b'Grn '
Greens = b'Grns'
GuidesGridPreferences = b'GudG'
HSBColor = b'HSBl'
HSLColor = b'HSLC'
HalftoneFile = b'HlfF'
HalftoneScreen = b'HlfS'
HardLight = b'HrdL'
Heavy = b'Hvy '
HideAll = b'HdAl'
HideSelection = b'HdSl'
High = b'High'
HighQuality = b'Hgh '
Highlights = b'Hghl'
Histogram = b'Hstg'
History = b'Hsty'
HistoryPaletteOptions = b'HstO'
HistoryPreferences = b'HstP'
Horizontal = b'Hrzn'
HorizontalOnly = b'HrzO'
Hue = b'H   '
ICC = b'ICC '
Icon = b'Icn '
IdleVM = b'IdVM'
Ignore = b'Ignr'
Image = b'Img '
ImageCachePreferences = b'ImgP'
IndexedColor = b'Indl'
InfoPaletteOptions = b'InfP'
InfoPaletteToggleSamplers = b'InfT'
InnerBevel = b'InrB'
InsetFrame = b'InsF'
Inside = b'Insd'
JustifyAll = b'JstA'
JustifyFull = b'JstF'
KeepProfile = b'KPro'
KeyboardPreferences = b'KybP'
Lab = b'Lab '
Lab48 = b'LbCF'
LabColor = b'LbCl'
Large = b'Lrg '
Last = b'Lst '
LastFilter = b'LstF'
LayerOptions = b'LyrO'
LayersPaletteOptions = b'LyrP'
Left = b'Left'
Left_PLUGIN = b'Lft '
LevelBased = b'LvlB'
Light = b'Lgt '
LightBlue = b'LgtB'
LightDirBottom = b'LDBt'
LightDirBottomLeft = b'LDBL'
LightDirBottomRight = b'LDBR'
LightDirLeft = b'LDLf'
LightDirRight = b'LDRg'
LightDirTop = b'LDTp'
LightDirTopLeft = b'LDTL'
LightDirTopRight = b'LDTR'
LightDirectional = b'LghD'
LightGray = b'LgtG'
LightOmni = b'LghO'
LightPosBottom = b'LPBt'
LightPosBottomLeft = b'LPBL'
LightPosBottomRight = b'LPBr'
LightPosLeft = b'LPLf'
LightPosRight = b'LPRg'
LightPosTop = b'LPTp'
LightPosTopLeft = b'LPTL'
LightPosTopRight = b'LPTR'
LightRed = b'LgtR'
LightSpot = b'LghS'
Lighten = b'Lghn'
LightenOnly = b'LghO'
Lightness = b'Lght'
Line = b'Ln  '
Linear = b'Lnr '
Lines = b'Lns '
Linked = b'Lnkd'
LongLines = b'LngL'
LongStrokes = b'LngS'
Low = b'Low '
LowQuality = b'Lw  '
Lower = b'Lwr '
Luminosity = b'Lmns'
MacThumbnail = b'McTh'
Macintosh = b'Mcnt'
MacintoshSystem = b'McnS'
Magenta = b'Mgnt'
Magentas = b'Mgnt'
Mask = b'Msk '
MaskedAreas = b'MskA'
MasterAdaptive = b'MAdp'
MasterPerceptual = b'MPer'
MasterSelective = b'MSel'
Maximum = b'Mxmm'
MaximumQuality = b'Mxm '
Maya = b'Maya'
Medium = b'Mdim'
MediumBlue = b'MdmB'
MediumDots = b'MdmD'
MediumLines = b'MdmL'
MediumQuality = b'Mdm '
MediumStrokes = b'MdmS'
MemoryPreferences = b'MmrP'
MergeChannels = b'MrgC'
Merged = b'Mrgd'
MergedLayers = b'Mrg2'
MergedLayersOld = b'MrgL'
Middle = b'Mddl'
Midtones = b'Mdtn'
ModeGray = b'MdGr'
ModeRGB = b'MdRG'
Monitor = b'Moni'
MonitorSetup = b'MntS'
Monotone = b'Mntn'
Multi72Color = b'72CM'
Multi72Gray = b'72GM'
MultiNoCompositePS = b'NCmM'
Multichannel = b'Mlth'
Multiply = b'Mltp'
NavigatorPaletteOptions = b'NvgP'
NearestNeighbor = b'Nrst'
NetscapeGray = b'NsGr'
Neutrals = b'Ntrl'
NewView = b'NwVw'
Next = b'Nxt '
Nikon = b'Nkn '
Nikon105 = b'Nkn1'
No = b'N   '
NoCompositePS = b'NCmp'
Normal = b'Nrml'
NormalPath = b'NrmP'
Null = b'null'
OS2 = b'OS2 '
Off = b'Off '
On = b'On  '
OpenAs = b'OpAs'
Orange = b'Orng'
OutFromCenter = b'OtFr'
OutOfGamut = b'OtOf'
OuterBevel = b'OtrB'
OutsetFrame = b'OutF'
Outside = b'Otsd'
Overlay = b'Ovrl'
P22EBU = b'P22B'
PNGFilterAdaptive = b'PGAd'
PNGFilterAverage = b'PGAv'
PNGFilterNone = b'PGNo'
PNGFilterPaeth = b'PGPt'
PNGFilterSub = b'PGSb'
PNGFilterUp = b'PGUp'
PNGInterlaceAdam7 = b'PGIA'
PNGInterlaceNone = b'PGIN'
PagePosCentered = b'PgPC'
PagePosTopLeft = b'PgTL'
PageSetup = b'PgSt'
PaintbrushEraser = b'Pntb'
PalSecam = b'PlSc'
PanaVision = b'PnVs'
PathsPaletteOptions = b'PthP'
Pattern = b'Ptrn'
PatternDither = b'PtnD'
PencilEraser = b'Pncl'
Perceptual = b'Perc'
Perspective = b'Prsp'
PhotoshopPicker = b'Phtk'
PickCMYK = b'PckC'
PickGray = b'PckG'
PickHSB = b'PckH'
PickLab = b'PckL'
PickOptions = b'PckO'
PickRGB = b'PckR'
PillowEmboss = b'PlEb'
PixelPaintSize1 = b'PxS1'
PixelPaintSize2 = b'PxS2'
PixelPaintSize3 = b'PxS3'
PixelPaintSize4 = b'PxS4'
Place = b'Plce'
PlaybackOptions = b'PbkO'
PluginPicker = b'PlgP'
PluginsScratchDiskPreferences = b'PlgS'
PolarToRect = b'PlrR'
PondRipples = b'PndR'
Precise = b'Prc '
PreciseMatte = b'PrBL'
PreviewBlack = b'PrvB'
PreviewCMY = b'PrvN'
PreviewCMYK = b'PrvC'
PreviewCyan = b'Prvy'
PreviewMagenta = b'PrvM'
PreviewOff = b'PrvO'
PreviewYellow = b'PrvY'
Previous = b'Prvs'
Primaries = b'Prim'
PrintSize = b'PrnS'
PrintingInksSetup = b'PrnI'
Purple = b'Prp '
Pyramids = b'Pyrm'
QCSAverage = b'Qcsa'
QCSCorner0 = b'Qcs0'
QCSCorner1 = b'Qcs1'
QCSCorner2 = b'Qcs2'
QCSCorner3 = b'Qcs3'
QCSIndependent = b'Qcsi'
QCSSide0 = b'Qcs4'
QCSSide1 = b'Qcs5'
QCSSide2 = b'Qcs6'
QCSSide3 = b'Qcs7'
Quadtone = b'Qdtn'
QueryAlways = b'QurA'
QueryAsk = b'Qurl'
QueryNever = b'QurN'
RGB = b'RGB '
RGB48 = b'RGBF'
RGBColor = b'RGBC'
Radial = b'Rdl '
Random = b'Rndm'
RectToPolar = b'RctP'
Red = b'Rd  '
RedrawComplete = b'RdCm'
Reds = b'Rds '
Reflected = b'Rflc'
Relative = b'Rltv'
Repeat = b'Rpt '
RepeatEdgePixels = b'RptE'
RevealAll = b'RvlA'
RevealSelection = b'RvlS'
Revert = b'Rvrt'
Right = b'Rght'
Rotate = b'Rtte'
RotoscopingPreferences = b'RtsP'
Round = b'Rnd '
RulerCm = b'RrCm'
RulerInches = b'RrIn'
RulerPercent = b'RrPr'
RulerPicas = b'RrPi'
RulerPixels = b'RrPx'
RulerPoints = b'RrPt'
Sample3x3 = b'Smp3'
Sample5x5 = b'Smp5'
SamplePoint = b'SmpP'
Saturate = b'Str '
Saturation = b'Strt'
SaveForWeb = b'Svfw'
Saved = b'Sved'
SavingFilesPreferences = b'SvnF'
Scale = b'Scl '
Screen = b'Scrn'
ScreenCircle = b'ScrC'
ScreenDot = b'ScrD'
ScreenLine = b'ScrL'
SelectedAreas = b'SlcA'
Selection = b'Slct'
Selective = b'Sele'
SeparationSetup = b'SprS'
SeparationTables = b'SprT'
Shadows = b'Shdw'
ShortLines = b'ShrL'
ShortStrokes = b'ShSt'
Single72Color = b'72CS'
Single72Gray = b'72GS'
SingleNoCompositePS = b'NCmS'
Skew = b'Skew'
SlopeLimitMatte = b'Slmt'
Small = b'Sml '
SmartBlurModeEdgeOnly = b'SBME'
SmartBlurModeNormal = b'SBMN'
SmartBlurModeOverlayEdge = b'SBMO'
SmartBlurQualityHigh = b'SBQH'
SmartBlurQualityLow = b'SBQL'
SmartBlurQualityMedium = b'SBQM'
Snapshot = b'Snps'
SoftLight = b'SftL'
SoftMatte = b'SfBL'
SolidColor = b'SClr'
Spectrum = b'Spct'
Spin = b'Spn '
SpotColor = b'Spot'
Square = b'Sqr '
Stagger = b'Stgr'
StampIn = b'In  '
StampOut = b'Out '
Standard = b'Std '
StdA = b'StdA'
StdB = b'StdB'
StdC = b'StdC'
StdE = b'StdE'
StretchToFit = b'StrF'
StrokeDirHorizontal = b'SDHz'
StrokeDirLeftDiag = b'SDLD'
StrokeDirRightDiag = b'SDRD'
StrokeDirVertical = b'SDVt'
StylesAppend = b'SlsA'
StylesDelete = b'Slsf'
StylesLoad = b'Slsd'
StylesNew = b'SlsN'
StylesReset = b'SlsR'
StylesSave = b'Slsv'
Subtract = b'Sbtr'
SwatchesAppend = b'SwtA'
SwatchesReplace = b'Swtp'
SwatchesReset = b'SwtR'
SwatchesSave = b'SwtS'
SystemPicker = b'SysP'
Tables = b'Tbl '
Target = b'Trgt'
TargetPath = b'Trgp'
TexTypeBlocks = b'TxBl'
TexTypeBrick = b'TxBr'
TexTypeBurlap = b'TxBu'
TexTypeCanvas = b'TxCa'
TexTypeFrosted = b'TxFr'
TexTypeSandstone = b'TxSt'
TexTypeTinyLens = b'TxTL'
Threshold = b'Thrh'
Thumbnail = b'Thmb'
Tile = b'Tile'
Tile_PLUGIN = b'Tl  '
ToggleActionsPalette = b'TglA'
ToggleBlackPreview = b'TgBP'
ToggleBrushesPalette = b'TglB'
ToggleCMYKPreview = b'TglC'
ToggleCMYPreview = b'TgCM'
ToggleChannelsPalette = b'Tglh'
ToggleColorPalette = b'Tglc'
ToggleCyanPreview = b'TgCP'
ToggleDocumentPalette = b'TgDc'
ToggleEdges = b'TglE'
ToggleGamutWarning = b'TglG'
ToggleGrid = b'TgGr'
ToggleGuides = b'Tgld'
ToggleHistoryPalette = b'TglH'
ToggleInfoPalette = b'TglI'
ToggleLayerMask = b'TglM'
ToggleLayersPalette = b'Tgly'
ToggleLockGuides = b'TglL'
ToggleMagentaPreview = b'TgMP'
ToggleNavigatorPalette = b'TglN'
ToggleOptionsPalette = b'TglO'
TogglePaths = b'TglP'
TogglePathsPalette = b'Tglt'
ToggleRGBMacPreview = b'TrMp'
ToggleRGBUncompensatedPreview = b'TrUp'
ToggleRGBWindowsPreview = b'TrWp'
ToggleRulers = b'TglR'
ToggleSnapToGrid = b'TgSn'
ToggleSnapToGuides = b'TglS'
ToggleStatusBar = b'Tgls'
ToggleStylesPalette = b'TgSl'
ToggleSwatchesPalette = b'Tglw'
ToggleToolsPalette = b'TglT'
ToggleYellowPreview = b'TgYP'
Top = b'Top '
Transparency = b'Trsp'
TransparencyGamutPreferences = b'TrnG'
Transparent = b'Trns'
Trinitron = b'Trnt'
Tritone = b'Trtn'
UIBitmap = b'UBtm'
UIDuotone = b'UDtn'
UIGrayscale = b'UGry'
UIIndexed = b'UInd'
UILab = b'ULab'
UIMultichannel = b'UMlt'
Undo = b'Und '
Uniform = b'Unfm'
UniformDistribution = b'Unfr'
UnitsRulersPreferences = b'UntR'
Upper = b'Upr '
UserStop = b'UsrS'
VMPreferences = b'VMPr'
Vertical = b'Vrtc'
VerticalOnly = b'VrtO'
Violet = b'Vlt '
WaveSine = b'WvSn'
WaveSquare = b'WvSq'
WaveTriangle = b'WvTr'
Web = b'Web '
White = b'Wht '
Whites = b'Whts'
WideGamutRGB = b'WRGB'
WidePhosphors = b'Wide'
WinThumbnail = b'WnTh'
Wind = b'Wnd '
Windows = b'Win '
WindowsSystem = b'WndS'
WorkPath = b'WrkP'
Wrap = b'Wrp '
WrapAround = b'WrpA'
Yellow = b'Yllw'
YellowColor = b'Ylw '
Yellows = b'Ylws'
Yes = b'Ys  '
Zip = b'ZpEn'
Zoom = b'Zm  '
ZoomIn = b'ZmIn'
ZoomOut = b'ZmOt'
_16BitsPerPixel = b'16Bt'
_1BitPerPixel = b'OnBt'
_2BitsPerPixel = b'2Bts'
_32BitsPerPixel = b'32Bt'
_4BitsPerPixel = b'4Bts'
_5000 = b'5000'
_5500 = b'5500'
_6500 = b'6500'
_72Color = b'72Cl'
_72Gray = b'72Gr'
_7500 = b'7500'
_8BitsPerPixel = b'EghB'
_9300 = b'9300'
_None = b'None'


class psd_tools.terminology.Event(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Event definitions extracted from PITerminology.h.


AccentedEdges = b'AccE'
Add = b'Add '
AddNoise = b'AdNs'
AddTo = b'AddT'
Align = b'Algn'
All = b'All '
AngledStrokes = b'AngS'
ApplyImage = b'AppI'
ApplyStyle = b'ASty'
Assert = b'Asrt'
Average = b'Avrg'
BackLight = b'BacL'
BasRelief = b'BsRl'
Batch = b'Btch'
BatchFromDroplet = b'BtcF'
Blur = b'Blr '
BlurMore = b'BlrM'
Border = b'Brdr'
Brightness = b'BrgC'
CanvasSize = b'CnvS'
ChalkCharcoal = b'ChlC'
ChannelMixer = b'ChnM'
Charcoal = b'Chrc'
Chrome = b'Chrm'
Clear = b'Cler'
Close = b'Cls '
Clouds = b'Clds'
ColorBalance = b'ClrB'
ColorCast = b'ColE'
ColorHalftone = b'ClrH'
ColorRange = b'ClrR'
ColoredPencil = b'ClrP'
ConteCrayon = b'CntC'
Contract = b'Cntc'
ConvertMode = b'CnvM'
Copy = b'copy'
CopyEffects = b'CpFX'
CopyMerged = b'CpyM'
CopyToLayer = b'CpTL'
Craquelure = b'Crql'
CreateDroplet = b'CrtD'
Crop = b'Crop'
Crosshatch = b'Crsh'
Crystallize = b'Crst'
Curves = b'Crvs'
Custom = b'Cstm'
Cut = b'cut '
CutToLayer = b'CtTL'
Cutout = b'Ct  '
DarkStrokes = b'DrkS'
DeInterlace = b'Dntr'
DefinePattern = b'DfnP'
Defringe = b'Dfrg'
Delete = b'Dlt '
Desaturate = b'Dstt'
Deselect = b'Dslc'
Despeckle = b'Dspc'
DifferenceClouds = b'DfrC'
Diffuse = b'Dfs '
DiffuseGlow = b'DfsG'
DisableLayerFX = b'dlfx'
Displace = b'Dspl'
Distribute = b'Dstr'
Draw = b'Draw'
DryBrush = b'DryB'
Duplicate = b'Dplc'
DustAndScratches = b'DstS'
Emboss = b'Embs'
Equalize = b'Eqlz'
Exchange = b'Exch'
Expand = b'Expn'
Export = b'Expr'
Extrude = b'Extr'
Facet = b'Fct '
Fade = b'Fade'
Feather = b'Fthr'
Fibers = b'Fbrs'
Fill = b'Fl  '
FilmGrain = b'FlmG'
Filter = b'Fltr'
FindEdges = b'FndE'
FlattenImage = b'FltI'
Flip = b'Flip'
Fragment = b'Frgm'
Fresco = b'Frsc'
GaussianBlur = b'GsnB'
Get = b'getd'
Glass = b'Gls '
GlowingEdges = b'GlwE'
Gradient = b'Grdn'
GradientMap = b'GrMp'
Grain = b'Grn '
GraphicPen = b'GraP'
Group = b'GrpL'
Grow = b'Grow'
HSBHSL = b'HsbP'
HalftoneScreen = b'HlfS'
Hide = b'Hd  '
HighPass = b'HghP'
HueSaturation = b'HStr'
ImageSize = b'ImgS'
Import = b'Impr'
InkOutlines = b'InkO'
Intersect = b'Intr'
IntersectWith = b'IntW'
Inverse = b'Invs'
Invert = b'Invr'
LensFlare = b'LnsF'
Levels = b'Lvls'
LightingEffects = b'LghE'
Make = b'Mk  '
Maximum = b'Mxm '
Median = b'Mdn '
MergeLayers = b'Mrg2'
MergeLayersOld = b'MrgL'
MergeSpotChannel = b'MSpt'
MergeVisible = b'MrgV'
Mezzotint = b'Mztn'
Minimum = b'Mnm '
Mosaic = b'Msc '
Mosaic_PLUGIN = b'MscT'
MotionBlur = b'MtnB'
Move = b'move'
NTSCColors = b'NTSC'
NeonGlow = b'NGlw'
Next = b'Nxt '
NotePaper = b'NtPr'
Notify = b'Ntfy'
Null = b'null'
OceanRipple = b'OcnR'
Offset = b'Ofst'
Open = b'Opn '
OpenUntitled = b'OpnU'
PaintDaubs = b'PntD'
PaletteKnife = b'PltK'
Paste = b'past'
PasteEffects = b'PaFX'
PasteInto = b'PstI'
PasteOutside = b'PstO'
Patchwork = b'Ptch'
Photocopy = b'Phtc'
Pinch = b'Pnch'
Place = b'Plc '
Plaster = b'Plst'
PlasticWrap = b'PlsW'
Play = b'Ply '
Pointillize = b'Pntl'
Polar = b'Plr '
PosterEdges = b'PstE'
Posterize = b'Pstr'
Previous = b'Prvs'
Print = b'Prnt'
ProfileToProfile = b'PrfT'
Purge = b'Prge'
Quit = b'quit'
RadialBlur = b'RdlB'
Rasterize = b'Rstr'
RasterizeTypeSheet = b'RstT'
RemoveBlackMatte = b'RmvB'
RemoveLayerMask = b'RmvL'
RemoveWhiteMatte = b'RmvW'
Rename = b'Rnm '
ReplaceColor = b'RplC'
Reset = b'Rset'
Reticulation = b'Rtcl'
Revert = b'Rvrt'
Ripple = b'Rple'
Rotate = b'Rtte'
RoughPastels = b'RghP'
Save = b'save'
Select = b'slct'
SelectiveColor = b'SlcC'
Set = b'setd'
Sharpen = b'Shrp'
SharpenEdges = b'ShrE'
SharpenMore = b'ShrM'
Shear = b'Shr '
Show = b'Shw '
Similar = b'Smlr'
SmartBlur = b'SmrB'
Smooth = b'Smth'
SmudgeStick = b'SmdS'
Solarize = b'Slrz'
Spatter = b'Spt '
Spherize = b'Sphr'
SplitChannels = b'SplC'
Sponge = b'Spng'
SprayedStrokes = b'SprS'
StainedGlass = b'StnG'
Stamp = b'Stmp'
Stop = b'Stop'
Stroke = b'Strk'
Subtract = b'Sbtr'
SubtractFrom = b'SbtF'
Sumie = b'Smie'
TakeMergedSnapshot = b'TkMr'
TakeSnapshot = b'TkSn'
TextureFill = b'TxtF'
Texturizer = b'Txtz'
Threshold = b'Thrs'
Tiles = b'Tls '
TornEdges = b'TrnE'
TraceContour = b'TrcC'
Transform = b'Trnf'
Trap = b'Trap'
Twirl = b'Twrl'
Underpainting = b'Undr'
Undo = b'undo'
Ungroup = b'Ungr'
UnsharpMask = b'UnsM'
Variations = b'Vrtn'
Wait = b'Wait'
WaterPaper = b'WtrP'
Watercolor = b'Wtrc'
Wave = b'Wave'
Wind = b'Wnd '
ZigZag = b'ZgZg'
_3DTransform = b'TdT '


class psd_tools.terminology.Form(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Form definitions extracted from PITerminology.h.


Class = b'Clss'
Enumerated = b'Enmr'
Identifier = b'Idnt'
Index = b'indx'
Offset = b'rele'
Property = b'prop'


class psd_tools.terminology.Key(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Key definitions extracted from PITerminology.h.


A = b'A   '
Adjustment = b'Adjs'
Aligned = b'Algd'
Alignment = b'Algn'
AllExcept = b'AllE'
AllPS = b'All '
AllToolOptions = b'AlTl'
AlphaChannelOptions = b'AChn'
AlphaChannels = b'AlpC'
AmbientBrightness = b'AmbB'
AmbientColor = b'AmbC'
Amount = b'Amnt'
AmplitudeMax = b'AmMx'
AmplitudeMin = b'AmMn'
Anchor = b'Anch'
Angle = b'Angl'
Angle1 = b'Ang1'
Angle2 = b'Ang2'
Angle3 = b'Ang3'
Angle4 = b'Ang4'
AntiAlias = b'AntA'
Append = b'Appe'
Apply = b'Aply'
Area = b'Ar  '
Arrowhead = b'Arrw'
As = b'As  '
AssetBin = b'Asst'
AssumedCMYK = b'AssC'
AssumedGray = b'AssG'
AssumedRGB = b'AssR'
At = b'At  '
Auto = b'Auto'
AutoContrast = b'AuCo'
AutoErase = b'Atrs'
AutoKern = b'AtKr'
AutoUpdate = b'AtUp'
Axis = b'Axis'
B = b'B   '
Background = b'Bckg'
BackgroundColor = b'BckC'
BackgroundLevel = b'BckL'
Backward = b'Bwd '
Balance = b'Blnc'
BaselineShift = b'Bsln'
BeepWhenDone = b'BpWh'
BeginRamp = b'BgnR'
BeginSustain = b'BgnS'
BevelDirection = b'bvlD'
BevelEmboss = b'ebbl'
BevelStyle = b'bvlS'
BevelTechnique = b'bvlT'
BigNudgeH = b'BgNH'
BigNudgeV = b'BgNV'
BitDepth = b'BtDp'
Black = b'Blck'
BlackClip = b'BlcC'
BlackGeneration = b'Blcn'
BlackGenerationCurve = b'BlcG'
BlackIntensity = b'BlcI'
BlackLevel = b'BlcL'
BlackLimit = b'BlcL'
Bleed = b'Bld '
BlendRange = b'Blnd'
Blue = b'Bl  '
BlueBlackPoint = b'BlBl'
BlueFloat = b'blueFloat'
BlueGamma = b'BlGm'
BlueWhitePoint = b'BlWh'
BlueX = b'BlX '
BlueY = b'BlY '
Blur = b'blur'
BlurMethod = b'BlrM'
BlurQuality = b'BlrQ'
Book = b'Bk  '
BorderThickness = b'BrdT'
Bottom = b'Btom'
Brightness = b'Brgh'
BrushDetail = b'BrsD'
BrushSize = b'BrsS'
BrushType = b'BrsT'
Brushes = b'Brsh'
BumpAmplitude = b'BmpA'
BumpChannel = b'BmpC'
By = b'By  '
Byline = b'Byln'
BylineTitle = b'BylT'
ByteOrder = b'BytO'
CMYKSetup = b'CMYS'
CachePrefs = b'CchP'
Calculation = b'Clcl'
CalibrationBars = b'Clbr'
Caption = b'Cptn'
CaptionWriter = b'CptW'
Category = b'Ctgr'
CellSize = b'ClSz'
Center = b'Cntr'
CenterCropMarks = b'CntC'
ChalkArea = b'ChlA'
Channel = b'Chnl'
ChannelMatrix = b'ChMx'
ChannelName = b'ChnN'
Channels = b'Chns'
ChannelsInterleaved = b'ChnI'
CharcoalAmount = b'ChAm'
CharcoalArea = b'ChrA'
ChokeMatte = b'Ckmt'
ChromeFX = b'ChFX'
City = b'City'
ClearAmount = b'ClrA'
ClippingPath = b'ClPt'
ClippingPathEPS = b'ClpP'
ClippingPathFlatness = b'ClpF'
ClippingPathIndex = b'ClpI'
ClippingPathInfo = b'Clpg'
CloneSource = b'ClnS'
ClosedSubpath = b'Clsp'
Color = b'Clr '
ColorChannels = b'Clrh'
ColorCorrection = b'ClrC'
ColorIndicates = b'ClrI'
ColorManagement = b'ClMg'
ColorPickerPrefs = b'Clrr'
ColorSpace = b'ClrS'
ColorTable = b'ClrT'
Colorize = b'Clrz'
Colors = b'Clrs'
ColorsList = b'ClrL'
ColumnWidth = b'ClmW'
CommandKey = b'CmdK'
Compensation = b'Cmpn'
Compression = b'Cmpr'
Concavity = b'Cncv'
Condition = b'Cndt'
Constant = b'Cnst'
Constrain = b'Cnst'
ConstrainProportions = b'CnsP'
ConstructionFOV = b'Cfov'
Contiguous = b'Cntg'
Continue = b'Cntn'
Continuity = b'Cnty'
ContourType = b'ShpC'
Contrast = b'Cntr'
Convert = b'Cnvr'
Copy = b'Cpy '
Copyright = b'Cpyr'
CopyrightNotice = b'CprN'
CornerCropMarks = b'CrnC'
Count = b'Cnt '
CountryName = b'CntN'
CrackBrightness = b'CrcB'
CrackDepth = b'CrcD'
CrackSpacing = b'CrcS'
CreateLayersFromLayerFX = b'blfl'
Credit = b'Crdt'
Crossover = b'Crss'
Current = b'Crnt'
CurrentHistoryState = b'CrnH'
CurrentLight = b'CrnL'
CurrentToolOptions = b'CrnT'
Curve = b'Crv '
CurveFile = b'CrvF'
Custom = b'Cstm'
CustomForced = b'CstF'
CustomMatte = b'CstM'
CustomPalette = b'CstP'
Cyan = b'Cyn '
DCS = b'DCS '
DPXFormat = b'DPXf'
DarkIntensity = b'DrkI'
Darkness = b'Drkn'
DateCreated = b'DtCr'
Datum = b'Dt  '
Definition = b'Dfnt'
Density = b'Dnst'
Depth = b'Dpth'
DestBlackMax = b'Dstl'
DestBlackMin = b'DstB'
DestWhiteMax = b'Dstt'
DestWhiteMin = b'DstW'
DestinationMode = b'DstM'
Detail = b'Dtl '
Diameter = b'Dmtr'
DiffusionDither = b'DffD'
Direction = b'Drct'
DirectionBalance = b'DrcB'
DisplaceFile = b'DspF'
DisplacementMap = b'DspM'
DisplayPrefs = b'DspP'
Distance = b'Dstn'
Distortion = b'Dstr'
Distribution = b'Dstr'
Dither = b'Dthr'
DitherAmount = b'DthA'
DitherPreserve = b'Dthp'
DitherQuality = b'Dthq'
DocumentID = b'DocI'
DotGain = b'DtGn'
DotGainCurves = b'DtGC'
DropShadow = b'DrSh'
Duplicate = b'Dplc'
DynamicColorSliders = b'DnmC'
Edge = b'Edg '
EdgeBrightness = b'EdgB'
EdgeFidelity = b'EdgF'
EdgeIntensity = b'EdgI'
EdgeSimplicity = b'EdgS'
EdgeThickness = b'EdgT'
EdgeWidth = b'EdgW'
Effect = b'Effc'
EmbedCMYK = b'EmbC'
EmbedGray = b'EmbG'
EmbedLab = b'EmbL'
EmbedProfiles = b'EmbP'
EmbedRGB = b'EmbR'
EmulsionDown = b'EmlD'
EnableGestures = b'EGst'
Enabled = b'enab'
Encoding = b'Encd'
End = b'End '
EndArrowhead = b'EndA'
EndRamp = b'EndR'
EndSustain = b'EndS'
Engine = b'Engn'
EraseToHistory = b'ErsT'
EraserKind = b'ErsK'
ExactPoints = b'ExcP'
Export = b'Expr'
ExportClipboard = b'ExpC'
Exposure = b'Exps'
Extend = b'Extd'
ExtendedQuality = b'EQlt'
Extension = b'Extn'
ExtensionsQuery = b'ExtQ'
ExtrudeDepth = b'ExtD'
ExtrudeMaskIncomplete = b'ExtM'
ExtrudeRandom = b'ExtR'
ExtrudeSize = b'ExtS'
ExtrudeSolidFace = b'ExtF'
ExtrudeType = b'ExtT'
EyeDropperSample = b'EyDr'
FPXCompress = b'FxCm'
FPXQuality = b'FxQl'
FPXSize = b'FxSz'
FPXView = b'FxVw'
FadeTo = b'FdT '
FadeoutSteps = b'FdtS'
Falloff = b'FlOf'
Feather = b'Fthr'
FiberLength = b'FbrL'
File = b'File'
FileCreator = b'FlCr'
FileInfo = b'FlIn'
FileReference = b'FilR'
FileSavePrefs = b'FlSP'
FileType = b'FlTy'
FilesList = b'flst'
Fill = b'Fl  '
FillColor = b'FlCl'
FillNeutral = b'FlNt'
FilterLayerPersistentData = b'FlPd'
FilterLayerRandomSeed = b'FlRs'
Fingerpainting = b'Fngr'
FlareCenter = b'FlrC'
Flatness = b'Fltn'
Flatten = b'Fltt'
FlipVertical = b'FlpV'
Focus = b'Fcs '
Folders = b'Fldr'
FontDesignAxes = b'FntD'
FontDesignAxesVectors = b'FntV'
FontName = b'FntN'
FontScript = b'Scrp'
FontStyleName = b'FntS'
FontTechnology = b'FntT'
ForcedColors = b'FrcC'
ForegroundColor = b'FrgC'
ForegroundLevel = b'FrgL'
Format = b'Fmt '
Forward = b'Fwd '
FrameFX = b'FrFX'
FrameWidth = b'FrmW'
FreeTransformCenterState = b'FTcs'
Frequency = b'Frqn'
From = b'From'
FromBuiltin = b'FrmB'
FromMode = b'FrmM'
FunctionKey = b'FncK'
Fuzziness = b'Fzns'
GCR = b'GCR '
GIFColorFileType = b'GFPT'
GIFColorLimit = b'GFCL'
GIFExportCaption = b'GFEC'
GIFMaskChannelIndex = b'GFMI'
GIFMaskChannelInverted = b'GFMV'
GIFPaletteFile = b'GFPF'
GIFPaletteType = b'GFPL'
GIFRequiredColorSpaceType = b'GFCS'
GIFRowOrderType = b'GFIT'
GIFTransparentColor = b'GFTC'
GIFTransparentIndexBlue = b'GFTB'
GIFTransparentIndexGreen = b'GFTG'
GIFTransparentIndexRed = b'GFTR'
GIFUseBestMatch = b'GFBM'
Gamma = b'Gmm '
GamutWarning = b'GmtW'
GeneralPrefs = b'GnrP'
GlobalAngle = b'gblA'
GlobalLightingAngle = b'gagl'
Gloss = b'Glos'
GlowAmount = b'GlwA'
GlowTechnique = b'GlwT'
Gradient = b'Grad'
GradientFill = b'Grdf'
Grain = b'Grn '
GrainType = b'Grnt'
Graininess = b'Grns'
Gray = b'Gry '
GrayBehavior = b'GrBh'
GraySetup = b'GrSt'
Green = b'Grn '
GreenBlackPoint = b'GrnB'
GreenFloat = b'greenFloat'
GreenGamma = b'GrnG'
GreenWhitePoint = b'GrnW'
GreenX = b'GrnX'
GreenY = b'GrnY'
GridColor = b'GrdC'
GridCustomColor = b'Grds'
GridMajor = b'GrdM'
GridMinor = b'Grdn'
GridStyle = b'GrdS'
GridUnits = b'Grdt'
Group = b'Grup'
GroutWidth = b'GrtW'
GrowSelection = b'GrwS'
Guides = b'Gdes'
GuidesColor = b'GdsC'
GuidesCustomColor = b'Gdss'
GuidesPrefs = b'GdPr'
GuidesStyle = b'GdsS'
GutterWidth = b'GttW'
HalftoneFile = b'HlfF'
HalftoneScreen = b'HlfS'
HalftoneSize = b'HlSz'
HalftoneSpec = b'Hlfp'
Hardness = b'Hrdn'
HasCmdHPreference = b'HCdH'
Header = b'Hdr '
Headline = b'Hdln'
Height = b'Hght'
HighlightArea = b'HghA'
HighlightColor = b'hglC'
HighlightLevels = b'HghL'
HighlightMode = b'hglM'
HighlightOpacity = b'hglO'
HighlightStrength = b'HghS'
HistoryBrushSource = b'HstB'
HistoryPrefs = b'HstP'
HistoryStateSource = b'HsSS'
HistoryStates = b'HsSt'
Horizontal = b'Hrzn'
HorizontalScale = b'HrzS'
HostName = b'HstN'
HostVersion = b'HstV'
Hue = b'H   '
ICCEngine = b'ICCE'
ICCSetupName = b'ICCt'
ID = b'Idnt'
Idle = b'Idle'
ImageBalance = b'ImgB'
Import = b'Impr'
Impressionist = b'Imps'
In = b'In  '
Inherits = b'c@#^'
InkColors = b'InkC'
Inks = b'Inks'
InnerGlow = b'IrGl'
InnerGlowSource = b'glwS'
InnerShadow = b'IrSh'
Input = b'Inpt'
InputBlackPoint = b'kIBP'
InputMapRange = b'Inmr'
InputRange = b'Inpr'
InputWhitePoint = b'kIWP'
Intensity = b'Intn'
Intent = b'Inte'
InterfaceBevelHighlight = b'IntH'
InterfaceBevelShadow = b'Intv'
InterfaceBlack = b'IntB'
InterfaceBorder = b'Intd'
InterfaceButtonDarkShadow = b'Intk'
InterfaceButtonDownFill = b'Intt'
InterfaceButtonUpFill = b'InBF'
InterfaceColorBlue2 = b'ICBL'
InterfaceColorBlue32 = b'ICBH'
InterfaceColorGreen2 = b'ICGL'
InterfaceColorGreen32 = b'ICGH'
InterfaceColorRed2 = b'ICRL'
InterfaceColorRed32 = b'ICRH'
InterfaceIconFillActive = b'IntI'
InterfaceIconFillDimmed = b'IntF'
InterfaceIconFillSelected = b'Intc'
InterfaceIconFrameActive = b'Intm'
InterfaceIconFrameDimmed = b'Intr'
InterfaceIconFrameSelected = b'IntS'
InterfacePaletteFill = b'IntP'
InterfaceRed = b'IntR'
InterfaceToolTipBackground = b'IntT'
InterfaceToolTipText = b'ITTT'
InterfaceTransparencyBackground = b'ITBg'
InterfaceTransparencyForeground = b'ITFg'
InterfaceWhite = b'IntW'
Interlace = b'Intr'
InterlaceCreateType = b'IntC'
InterlaceEliminateType = b'IntE'
Interpolation = b'Intr'
InterpolationMethod = b'IntM'
Invert = b'Invr'
InvertMask = b'InvM'
InvertSource2 = b'InvS'
InvertTexture = b'InvT'
IsDirty = b'IsDr'
ItemIndex = b'ItmI'
JPEGQuality = b'JPEQ'
Kerning = b'Krng'
Keywords = b'Kywd'
Kind = b'Knd '
LUTAnimation = b'LTnm'
LZWCompression = b'LZWC'
Labels = b'Lbls'
Landscape = b'Lnds'
LastTransform = b'LstT'
Layer = b'Lyr '
LayerEffects = b'Lefx'
LayerFXVisible = b'lfxv'
LayerID = b'LyrI'
LayerName = b'LyrN'
Layers = b'Lyrs'
Leading = b'Ldng'
Left = b'Left'
LegacySerialString = b'lSNs'
Length = b'Lngt'
Lens = b'Lns '
Level = b'Lvl '
Levels = b'Lvls'
LightDark = b'LgDr'
LightDirection = b'LghD'
LightIntensity = b'LghI'
LightPosition = b'LghP'
LightSource = b'LghS'
LightType = b'LghT'
LightenGrout = b'LghG'
Lightness = b'Lght'
Line = b'Line'
LinkEnable = b'lnkE'
LinkedLayerIDs = b'LnkL'
LocalLightingAltitude = b'Lald'
LocalLightingAngle = b'lagl'
LocalRange = b'LclR'
Location = b'Lctn'
Log = b'Log '
Logarithmic = b'kLog'
LowerCase = b'LwCs'
Luminance = b'Lmnc'
Magenta = b'Mgnt'
MakeVisible = b'MkVs'
ManipulationFOV = b'Mfov'
MapBlack = b'MpBl'
Mapping = b'Mpng'
MappingShape = b'MpgS'
Material = b'Mtrl'
Matrix = b'Mtrx'
MatteColor = b'MttC'
Maximum = b'Mxm '
MaximumStates = b'MxmS'
MemoryUsagePercent = b'MmrU'
Merge = b'Mrge'
Merged = b'Mrgd'
Message = b'Msge'
Method = b'Mthd'
MezzotintType = b'MztT'
Midpoint = b'Mdpn'
MidtoneLevels = b'MdtL'
Minimum = b'Mnm '
MismatchCMYK = b'MsmC'
MismatchGray = b'MsmG'
MismatchRGB = b'MsmR'
Mode = b'Md  '
Monochromatic = b'Mnch'
MoveTo = b'MvT '
Name = b'Nm  '
Negative = b'Ngtv'
New = b'Nw  '
Noise = b'Nose'
NonImageData = b'NnIm'
NonLinear = b'NnLn'
Null = b'null'
NumLights = b'Nm L'
Number = b'Nmbr'
NumberOfCacheLevels = b'NCch'
NumberOfCacheLevels64 = b'NC64'
NumberOfChannels = b'NmbO'
NumberOfChildren = b'NmbC'
NumberOfDocuments = b'NmbD'
NumberOfGenerators = b'NmbG'
NumberOfLayers = b'NmbL'
NumberOfLevels = b'NmbL'
NumberOfPaths = b'NmbP'
NumberOfRipples = b'NmbR'
NumberOfSiblings = b'NmbS'
ObjectName = b'ObjN'
Offset = b'Ofst'
OldSmallFontType = b'Sftt'
On = b'On  '
Opacity = b'Opct'
Optimized = b'Optm'
Orientation = b'Ornt'
OriginalHeader = b'OrgH'
OriginalTransmissionReference = b'OrgT'
OtherCursors = b'OthC'
OuterGlow = b'OrGl'
Output = b'Otpt'
OutputBlackPoint = b'kOBP'
OutputWhitePoint = b'kOWP'
OverprintColors = b'OvrC'
OverrideOpen = b'OvrO'
OverridePrinter = b'ObrP'
OverrideSave = b'Ovrd'
PNGFilter = b'PNGf'
PNGInterlaceType = b'PGIT'
PageFormat = b'PMpf'
PageNumber = b'PgNm'
PagePosition = b'PgPs'
PageSetup = b'PgSt'
PaintCursorKind = b'PnCK'
PaintType = b'PntT'
PaintingCursors = b'PntC'
Palette = b'Plt '
PaletteFile = b'PltF'
PaperBrightness = b'PprB'
ParentIndex = b'PrIn'
ParentName = b'PrNm'
Path = b'Path'
PathContents = b'PthC'
PathName = b'PthN'
Pattern = b'Pttn'
PencilWidth = b'Pncl'
PerspectiveIndex = b'Prsp'
Phosphors = b'Phsp'
PickerID = b'PckI'
PickerKind = b'Pckr'
PixelPaintSize = b'PPSz'
Platform = b'Pltf'
PluginFolder = b'PlgF'
PluginPrefs = b'PlgP'
Points = b'Pts '
Position = b'Pstn'
PostScriptColor = b'PstS'
Posterization = b'Pstr'
PredefinedColors = b'PrdC'
PreferBuiltin = b'PrfB'
Preferences = b'Prfr'
PreserveAdditional = b'PrsA'
PreserveLuminosity = b'PrsL'
PreserveTransparency = b'PrsT'
Pressure = b'Prs '
Preview = b'Prvw'
PreviewCMYK = b'PrvK'
PreviewFullSize = b'PrvF'
PreviewIcon = b'PrvI'
PreviewMacThumbnail = b'PrvM'
PreviewWinThumbnail = b'PrvW'
PreviewsQuery = b'PrvQ'
PrintSettings = b'PMps'
ProfileSetup = b'PrfS'
ProvinceState = b'PrvS'
Quality = b'Qlty'
QuickMask = b'QucM'
RGBSetup = b'RGBS'
Radius = b'Rds '
RandomSeed = b'RndS'
Ratio = b'Rt  '
RecentFiles = b'Rcnf'
Red = b'Rd  '
RedBlackPoint = b'RdBl'
RedFloat = b'redFloat'
RedGamma = b'RdGm'
RedWhitePoint = b'RdWh'
RedX = b'RdX '
RedY = b'RdY '
RegistrationMarks = b'RgsM'
Relative = b'Rltv'
Relief = b'Rlf '
RenderFidelity = b'Rfid'
Resample = b'Rsmp'
ResizeWindowsOnZoom = b'RWOZ'
Resolution = b'Rslt'
ResourceID = b'RsrI'
Response = b'Rspn'
RetainHeader = b'RtnH'
Reverse = b'Rvrs'
Right = b'Rght'
RippleMagnitude = b'RplM'
RippleSize = b'RplS'
Rotate = b'Rtt '
Roundness = b'Rndn'
RulerOriginH = b'RlrH'
RulerOriginV = b'RlrV'
RulerUnits = b'RlrU'
Saturation = b'Strt'
SaveAndClose = b'SvAn'
SaveComposite = b'SvCm'
SavePaletteLocations = b'PltL'
SavePaths = b'SvPt'
SavePyramids = b'SvPy'
Saving = b'Svng'
Scale = b'Scl '
ScaleHorizontal = b'SclH'
ScaleVertical = b'SclV'
Scaling = b'Scln'
Scans = b'Scns'
ScratchDisks = b'ScrD'
ScreenFile = b'ScrF'
ScreenType = b'ScrT'
Separations = b'Sprt'
SerialString = b'SrlS'
ShadingIntensity = b'ShdI'
ShadingNoise = b'ShdN'
ShadingShape = b'ShdS'
ShadowColor = b'sdwC'
ShadowIntensity = b'ShdI'
ShadowLevels = b'ShdL'
ShadowMode = b'sdwM'
ShadowOpacity = b'sdwO'
Shape = b'Shp '
Sharpness = b'Shrp'
ShearEd = b'ShrE'
ShearPoints = b'ShrP'
ShearSt = b'ShrS'
ShiftKey = b'ShfK'
ShiftKeyToolSwitch = b'ShKT'
ShortNames = b'ShrN'
ShowEnglishFontNames = b'ShwE'
ShowMenuColors = b'SwMC'
ShowToolTips = b'ShwT'
ShowTransparency = b'ShTr'
SizeKey = b'Sz  '
Skew = b'Skew'
SmallFontType = b'Sfts'
SmartBlurMode = b'SmBM'
SmartBlurQuality = b'SmBQ'
Smooth = b'Smoo'
Smoothness = b'Smth'
SnapshotInitial = b'SnpI'
SoftClip = b'SfCl'
Softness = b'Sftn'
SolidFill = b'SoFi'
Source = b'Srce'
Source2 = b'Src2'
SourceMode = b'SrcM'
Spacing = b'Spcn'
SpecialInstructions = b'SpcI'
SpherizeMode = b'SphM'
Spot = b'Spot'
SprayRadius = b'SprR'
SquareSize = b'SqrS'
SrcBlackMax = b'Srcl'
SrcBlackMin = b'SrcB'
SrcWhiteMax = b'Srcm'
SrcWhiteMin = b'SrcW'
Start = b'Strt'
StartArrowhead = b'StrA'
State = b'Stte'
Strength = b'srgh'
StrengthRatio = b'srgR'
Strength_PLUGIN = b'Strg'
StrokeDetail = b'StDt'
StrokeDirection = b'SDir'
StrokeLength = b'StrL'
StrokePressure = b'StrP'
StrokeSize = b'StrS'
StrokeWidth = b'StrW'
Style = b'Styl'
Styles = b'Stys'
StylusIsColor = b'StlC'
StylusIsOpacity = b'StlO'
StylusIsPressure = b'StlP'
StylusIsSize = b'StlS'
SubPathList = b'SbpL'
SupplementalCategories = b'SplC'
SystemInfo = b'SstI'
SystemPalette = b'SstP'
Target = b'null'
TargetPath = b'Trgp'
TargetPathIndex = b'TrgP'
TermLength = b'Lngt'
Text = b'Txt '
TextClickPoint = b'TxtC'
TextData = b'TxtD'
TextStyle = b'TxtS'
TextStyleRange = b'Txtt'
Texture = b'Txtr'
TextureCoverage = b'TxtC'
TextureFile = b'TxtF'
TextureType = b'TxtT'
Threshold = b'Thsh'
TileNumber = b'TlNm'
TileOffset = b'TlOf'
TileSize = b'TlSz'
Title = b'Ttl '
To = b'T   '
ToBuiltin = b'TBl '
ToLinked = b'ToLk'
ToMode = b'TMd '
ToggleOthers = b'TglO'
Tolerance = b'Tlrn'
Top = b'Top '
TotalLimit = b'TtlL'
Tracking = b'Trck'
TransferFunction = b'TrnF'
TransferSpec = b'TrnS'
Transparency = b'Trns'
TransparencyGrid = b'TrnG'
TransparencyGridColors = b'TrnC'
TransparencyGridSize = b'TrnG'
TransparencyPrefs = b'TrnP'
TransparencyShape = b'TrnS'
TransparentIndex = b'TrnI'
TransparentWhites = b'TrnW'
Twist = b'Twst'
Type = b'Type'
UCA = b'UC  '
URL = b'URL '
UndefinedArea = b'UndA'
Underline = b'Undl'
UnitsPrefs = b'UntP'
Untitled = b'Untl'
UpperY = b'UppY'
Urgency = b'Urgn'
UseAccurateScreens = b'AcrS'
UseAdditionalPlugins = b'AdPl'
UseCacheForHistograms = b'UsCc'
UseCurves = b'UsCr'
UseDefault = b'UsDf'
UseGlobalAngle = b'uglg'
UseICCProfile = b'UsIC'
UseMask = b'UsMs'
UserMaskEnabled = b'UsrM'
UserMaskLinked = b'Usrs'
Using = b'Usng'
Value = b'Vl  '
Variance = b'Vrnc'
Vector0 = b'Vct0'
Vector1 = b'Vct1'
VectorColor = b'VctC'
VersionFix = b'VrsF'
VersionMajor = b'VrsM'
VersionMinor = b'VrsN'
Vertical = b'Vrtc'
VerticalScale = b'VrtS'
VideoAlpha = b'Vdlp'
Visible = b'Vsbl'
WatchSuspension = b'WtcS'
Watermark = b'watr'
WaveType = b'Wvtp'
WavelengthMax = b'WLMx'
WavelengthMin = b'WLMn'
WebdavPrefs = b'WbdP'
WetEdges = b'Wtdg'
What = b'What'
WhiteClip = b'WhtC'
WhiteIntensity = b'WhtI'
WhiteIsHigh = b'WhHi'
WhiteLevel = b'WhtL'
WhitePoint = b'WhtP'
WholePath = b'WhPt'
Width = b'Wdth'
WindMethod = b'WndM'
With = b'With'
WorkPath = b'WrPt'
WorkPathIndex = b'WrkP'
X = b'X   '
Y = b'Y   '
Yellow = b'Ylw '
ZigZagType = b'ZZTy'
_3DAntiAlias = b'Alis'
comp = b'comp'


class psd_tools.terminology.Type(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Type definitions extracted from PITerminology.h.


ActionData = b'ActD'
ActionReference = b'#Act'
AlignDistributeSelector = b'ADSt'
Alignment = b'Alg '
Amount = b'Amnt'
AntiAlias = b'Annt'
AreaSelector = b'ArSl'
AssumeOptions = b'AssO'
BevelEmbossStampStyle = b'BESs'
BevelEmbossStyle = b'BESl'
BitDepth = b'BtDp'
BlackGeneration = b'BlcG'
BlendMode = b'BlnM'
BlurMethod = b'BlrM'
BlurQuality = b'BlrQ'
BrushType = b'BrsT'
BuiltInContour = b'BltC'
BuiltinProfile = b'BltP'
CMYKSetupEngine = b'CMYE'
Calculation = b'Clcn'
Channel = b'Chnl'
ChannelReference = b'#ChR'
CheckerboardSize = b'Chck'
ClassColor = b'#Clr'
ClassElement = b'#ClE'
ClassExport = b'#Cle'
ClassFormat = b'#ClF'
ClassHueSatHueSatV2 = b'#HsV'
ClassImport = b'#ClI'
ClassMode = b'#ClM'
ClassStringFormat = b'#ClS'
ClassTextExport = b'#CTE'
ClassTextImport = b'#ClT'
Color = b'Clr '
ColorChannel = b'#ClC'
ColorPalette = b'ClrP'
ColorSpace = b'ClrS'
ColorStopType = b'Clry'
Colors = b'Clrs'
Compensation = b'Cmpn'
ContourEdge = b'CntE'
Convert = b'Cnvr'
CorrectionMethod = b'CrcM'
CursorKind = b'CrsK'
DCS = b'DCS '
DeepDepth = b'DpDp'
Depth = b'Dpth'
DiffuseMode = b'DfsM'
Direction = b'Drct'
DisplacementMap = b'DspM'
Distribution = b'Dstr'
Dither = b'Dthr'
DitherQuality = b'Dthq'
DocumentReference = b'#DcR'
EPSPreview = b'EPSP'
ElementReference = b'#ElR'
Encoding = b'Encd'
EraserKind = b'ErsK'
ExtrudeRandom = b'ExtR'
ExtrudeType = b'ExtT'
EyeDropperSample = b'EyDp'
FPXCompress = b'FxCm'
Fill = b'Fl  '
FillColor = b'FlCl'
FillContents = b'FlCn'
FillMode = b'FlMd'
ForcedColors = b'FrcC'
FrameFill = b'FrFl'
FrameStyle = b'FStl'
GIFColorFileType = b'GFPT'
GIFPaletteType = b'GFPL'
GIFRequiredColorSpaceType = b'GFCS'
GIFRowOrderType = b'GFIT'
GlobalClass = b'GlbC'
GlobalObject = b'GlbO'
GradientForm = b'GrdF'
GradientType = b'GrdT'
GrainType = b'Grnt'
GrayBehavior = b'GrBh'
GuideGridColor = b'GdGr'
GuideGridStyle = b'GdGS'
HistoryStateSource = b'HstS'
HorizontalLocation = b'HrzL'
ImageReference = b'#ImR'
InnerGlowSource = b'IGSr'
IntegerChannel = b'#inC'
Intent = b'Inte'
InterlaceCreateType = b'IntC'
InterlaceEliminateType = b'IntE'
Interpolation = b'Intp'
Kelvin = b'Klvn'
KelvinCustomWhitePoint = b'#Klv'
Lens = b'Lns '
LightDirection = b'LghD'
LightPosition = b'LghP'
LightType = b'LghT'
LocationReference = b'#Lct'
MaskIndicator = b'MskI'
MatteColor = b'MttC'
MatteTechnique = b'BETE'
MenuItem = b'MnIt'
Method = b'Mthd'
MezzotintType = b'MztT'
Mode = b'Md  '
Notify = b'Ntfy'
Object = b'Objc'
ObjectReference = b'obj '
OnOff = b'OnOf'
Ordinal = b'Ordn'
Orientation = b'Ornt'
PNGFilter = b'PNGf'
PNGInterlaceType = b'PGIT'
PagePosition = b'PgPs'
PathKind = b'PthK'
PathReference = b'#PtR'
Phosphors = b'Phsp'
PhosphorsCustomPhosphors = b'#Phs'
PickerKind = b'PckK'
PixelPaintSize = b'PPSz'
Platform = b'Pltf'
Preview = b'Prvw'
PreviewCMYK = b'Prvt'
ProfileMismatch = b'PrfM'
PurgeItem = b'PrgI'
QuadCenterState = b'QCSt'
Quality = b'Qlty'
QueryState = b'QurS'
RGBSetupSource = b'RGBS'
RawData = b'tdta'
RippleSize = b'RplS'
RulerUnits = b'RlrU'
ScreenType = b'ScrT'
Shape = b'Shp '
SmartBlurMode = b'SmBM'
SmartBlurQuality = b'SmBQ'
SourceMode = b'Cndn'
SpherizeMode = b'SphM'
State = b'Stte'
StringChannel = b'#sth'
StringClassFormat = b'#StC'
StringCompensation = b'#Stm'
StringFSS = b'#Stf'
StringInteger = b'#StI'
StrokeDirection = b'StrD'
StrokeLocation = b'StrL'
TextureType = b'TxtT'
TransparencyGridColors = b'Trnl'
TransparencyGridSize = b'TrnG'
TypeClassModeOrClassMode = b'#TyM'
UndefinedArea = b'UndA'
UnitFloat = b'UntF'
Urgency = b'Urgn'
UserMaskOptions = b'UsrM'
ValueList = b'VlLs'
VerticalLocation = b'VrtL'
WaveType = b'Wvtp'
WindMethod = b'WndM'
YesNo = b'YsN '
ZigZagType = b'ZZTy'


class psd_tools.terminology.Unit(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Unit definitions extracted from PITerminology.h.


Angle = b'#Ang'
Density = b'#Rsl'
Distance = b'#Rlt'
Millimeters = b'#Mlm'
Percent = b'#Prc'
Pixels = b'#Pxl'
Points = b'#Pnt'
_None = b'#Nne'